Extreme Heat Warning
It is not our intention to cancel all school trips or onsite activities next week, we will only do this if instructed to do so. We will follow all recommended advice and guidance to remain hydrated and as cool as possible.
We would also ask that all parents and carers follow the guidance from Public Health. Please ensure your child wears loose fitting cotton or breathable clothing, the school PE would be an option as it made from a breathable fabric. Your child is still representing the school and so must dress appropriately.
Also, please ensure your child brings in a bottle to fill up with water throughout the day. We would also encourage pupils to wear a sun hat and would ask you to ensure your child has applied sun cream and brings some with them to reapply throughout the day.
School Trips: If the venue for external school trips close or cancel, then we will inform parents and pupils and would anticipate rescheduling the date.