History Curriculum Intent Statement
History, perhaps more so than any other subject at school, involves the transmission of a society’s story to the next generation.
The History curriculum at St. Edmund’s is designed to give pupils a broad, knowledge-based overview of the major periods of British history, beginning with the medieval period. Pupils here study a mixture of social, political, economic and religious history, forming a grand narrative of the country’s history. While this might at face value appear to be narrowing a rich subject, our country’s history is closely tied to many global historical developments worth studying, allowing us to also explore important events outside the British Isles. Given the context of the school and local area, it is our duty to ensure that pupils leave St Edmund’s with this general understanding of the country in which they live. Within the curriculum, historical skills such as source analysis are only taught once pupils have a strong grasp of the knowledge of the period in question.
The Team
Staff Member | Role | Email Address |
Mr G Ford | Head of Humanities | gford@st-edmunds.com |
Mr G Rees | Teacher of History and RS | grees@st-edmunds.com |
Dr L Russell | Teacher of History | lrussell@st-edmunds.com |
Miss D Hyden | Teacher of History | dhyden@st-edmunds.com |