Office 365
Logging on:
To logon to Office 365, use your new email address for example: and use your school computer password.
Your old email address ( will be an alias which means anyone that emails you using this address will automatically go to your new email address.
To be directed to Office 365 click the link below:
- Setting up your school email on your phone or tablet (iPhone, iPad, Android Phone or Tablet)
- Download and install Microsoft Office 2016 on home PC or laptop*
- Signing in to Office 2016 at school or at home (this signs you into Office 365 and alloocates you a licence)
- Install and setup Office on and iPhone or iPad*
- Install and setup Office on an Android (phone or tablet)*
* You are able to install Office 2016 on up to 5 PC's and/or Apple Mac's and 5 mobile devices (so a total of 10 licences).