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St Edmund's Catholic School

A learning community - A faith community - A vibrant, forward looking community

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Uniform Information

School Uniform


St Edmund’s Catholic School prides itself on a well presented uniform. Working closely with our suppliers we ensure our students wear the best quality school uniform available. Together we work to ensure all our students look smart and professional ready to be active learners and members of the community.


Channel Uniforms - Retailers for our Blazers, Skirts, Trousers, Blouses, Shirts, Jumpers and House Ties, however plain items can be purchased more widely, including from second-hand retailers.


118 Sandgate Road



CT20 2BW

Tel: 01303 487075 Email: Website:


Price & Buckland - Online retailers for our PE Kit and Sportswear. The Pe Kit is unisex. House colour sports polo tops, shorts and sports socks are compulsory items. Other optional items are available. 


PE kit is available to order online from their website: 

Customer services Tel: 0115 759 0822 Email: 



To view the Uniform Policy click here:

Uniform - second-hand

The cost of school uniform can be a burden to parents, yet many children grow out of their uniform long before it reaches the end of its life.


Offering a second-hand uniform service at our school helps parents with the cost of uniform, while at the same time raising money for our school and keeping perfectly usable items out of landfill. 


There's a strong recycling culture here and people know they can donate their clean, preloved uniform. We accept all uniform and PE kit, and ask that everything is washed.


Our second-hand uniform:

  • helps all families get school uniform at a bargain price

  • provides a way for parents to pass on items they can no longer use

  • raises valuable funds for our school, as well as reducing waste and helping those in need.

  • creates a culture of reuse and mend.


We also hold a donation day at the end of the summer term where we request uniform from leavers, which in-turn creates a uniform legacy.


For further information contact reception by email: 

Our Mission and Values

“Therefore learn as if to live forever; live as if to die tomorrow” (St Edmund of Abingdon)

Read Our Values & Ethos Statement

Trust Information

St Edmund's Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edmund's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
