Book Club
The 27th January 2025 sees the launch of St Edmund’s Book Club. KS3 students can be the lucky members of this club. They will be invited to buy and read a copy of a certain book and to share their experience of reading this book with other students and staff who are also in the Book Club. This book is yet to be revealed! We have chosen two very special books – one for Year 7 students and one for Year 8 and 9 students. We are extremely lucky indeed as the author of our Year 7 book is the founder member of our club! She will be sharing her book with Year 7 when we launch on the 27th January. Year 7s, listen out for a writing competition when our author shares her book with you!
Start saving your pennies students! Please, if for any reason in these difficult times you’d like to be involved but can’t afford a book, let us know.
We are excited about our Book Club and know that many of you will be too!