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Teaching e-Safety

Teaching e-Safety

Internet Safety in the Curriculum


Safety Online


‘People online may not be who they say they are’ 


  • Keep personal information safe
  • Be aware of Cyberbullying and grooming how to report issues
  • Be aware that people online may not be who they say they are
  • Be aware of radicalisation and exploitation
  • Sexting


Internet Security


 ‘If it looks too good to be true it generally is’


  • Be aware of copycat sites, hoaxes, Phishing etc.
  • Be aware of viruses/spam/malware and how they are spread
  • Be aware of hacking
  • Undertsand the importance of password safety
  • Consider copyright and plagiarism issues


Digital Literacy


 ‘Who wrote this and why?


  • Consider site reliability
  • Consider purpose, authors, aims and intentions
  • Reliability and Bias of sources


Digital literacy is the combination of skills, knowledge and understanding that young people need to learn in order to participate fully and safely in an increasingly digital world.

Becta produced a short guide which explained what digital literacy is and highlights why it should be taught in all subjects, at all levels.


The South West Grid for Learning have produced an excellent Digital Literacy scheme of work to make the development of digital literacy easier to incorporate in everyday teaching.


With the advent of the new Computing curriculum from September 2014, Childnet produced guides for schools on how to develop e-Safety Teaching:


Notes to remember:

Children in a Primary/Special School setting should always be fully supervised by a responsible adult when using the Internet. Teachers should always evaluate and risk assess any websites fully before they use them with their students. Often this means checking the websites, search results etc just before the lesson. What may be considered a safe site today might not be tomorrow. Pay particular attention to image advertisements as they can change each time the web page is accessed.

For all settings, there must be procedures in place to manage incidents that may occur in the classroom such as pupils accessing (accidentally or otherwise) inappropriate material or making a disclosure about an offence to a member of staff. Procedures could include switching monitors off and reporting to an adult and the use of incident logs/report books.


Becta Signposts to e-Safety Documents

These booklets contains background information, advice and guidance for Primary and Secondary teachers relating to e-safety issues. It signposts appropriate opportunities to embed e-safety within the ICT and PSHE curriculum and free online teaching resources from a range of organisations to help support lessons. Please note the material in these documents may be out-of-date


Our Mission and Values

“Therefore learn as if to live forever; live as if to die tomorrow” (St Edmund of Abingdon)

Read Our Values & Ethos Statement

Trust Information

St Edmund's Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edmund's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
