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St Edmund's Catholic School

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House Saints

We have four houses at St Edmund's Catholic School, with each Tutor Group belonging to one of the houses. Each is named after a Saint of the Catholic Church because Saints are role models in faith, who should inspire our lives, and whose intercessions we seek.


Saint Josephine Bakhita

House Colour – Blue

St Bakhita is an African saint, who was born in Sudan around 1869, and died on 8 February 1947, in Italy. She was taken as a slave in her early life by Arab traders and suffered a difficult life, until her eventual freedom in Italy. There, Josephine became a nun with the Canossian Daughters of Charity and lived and worked with them for 45 years. She was declared a saint on 1 October 2000 by Pope John Paul II.

St Bakhita’s feast day is 8th February


Saint Cecilia

House Colour - Green 

St Cecilia became the patroness of music and musicians, it being written that, as the musicians played at her wedding, Cecilia "sang in her heart to the Lord". Musical compositions are dedicated to her, and her feast, on 22 November, is the occasion of concerts and musical festivals.

St Cecilia’s feast day is 22nd November


St Francis of Assisi

House Colour – Purple

St Francis is well-known for his many miracles involving animals and birds and his compassion for healing critically ill and injured people. St. Francis is also the patron saint of ecology, including animals, their lives and welfare. St. Francis had a devoted love of God and His word and mercy. His love for God was so profound that it overflowed to compassion for all His creatures, ranging from other people to birds and even predators, such as wolves.

St Francis' feast day is 4th October


St Maximilian Kolbe

House Colour – Red

St Kolbe was a Polish priest who died as prisoner 16770 in Auschwitz, on August 14, 1941. When a prisoner escaped from the camp, the Nazis selected 10 others to be killed by starvation in reprisal for the escape. One of the 10 selected to die, Franciszek Gajowniczek, began to cry: My wife! My children! I will never see them again! At this Maximilian Kolbe stepped forward and asked to die in his place. His request was granted 

St Kolbe’s feast day is 14th August


Our Mission and Values

“Therefore learn as if to live forever; live as if to die tomorrow” (St Edmund of Abingdon)

Read Our Values & Ethos Statement

Trust Information

St Edmund's Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Edmund's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
